Amica.Data Namespace |
Class | Description | |
companyDataSet |
Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data.
| |
companyDataSetAccessiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetAccessiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetAccessiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetAnagraficheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetAnagraficheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetAnagraficheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetAreeGeograficheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetAreeGeograficheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetAreeGeograficheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetArticoliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetArticoliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetArticoliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetAssegniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetAssegniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetAssegniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetBancheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetBancheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetBancheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetBarcodesDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetBarcodesRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetBarcodesRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetBilanciDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetBilancioCEEDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetBilancioCEERow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetBilancioCEERowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetBilancioInternoDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetBilancioInternoRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetBilancioInternoRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetBilanciRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetBilanciRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCastellettoIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCastellettoIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCastellettoIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCategorieAnagraficheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCategorieAnagraficheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCategorieAnagraficheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCategorieMerceologicheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCategorieMerceologicheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCategorieMerceologicheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCausaliContabiliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliContabiliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliContabiliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCausaliDocumentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliDocumentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliDocumentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCausaliIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetCausaliMagazzinoDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliMagazzinoRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetCausaliMagazzinoRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetChiusuraIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetChiusuraIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetChiusuraIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetColoriDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetColoriRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetColoriRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetComponentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetComponentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetComponentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetContiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetContiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetContiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetControMastriniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetControMastriniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetControMastriniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliAccorpatiDistintaRiBaDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliAccorpatiDistintaRiBaRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliAccorpatiDistintaRiBaRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliBilancioDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliBilancioRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliBilancioRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliChiusuraIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliChiusuraIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliChiusuraIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliDistintaRiBaDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliDistintaRiBaRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliDistintaRiBaRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliInventarioDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliInventarioRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliInventarioRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliMastrinoDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliMastrinoRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliMastrinoRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDettagliRegistroIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliRegistroIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDettagliRegistroIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDistinteRiBaDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDistinteRiBaRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDistinteRiBaRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetDocumentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetDocumentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetDocumentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetFattureElettronicheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetFattureElettronicheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetFattureElettronicheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetGiacenzeDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetGiacenzeRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetGiacenzeRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetGiornaleMagazzinoDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetGiornaleMagazzinoRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetGiornaleMagazzinoRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetGruppiMerceologiciDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetGruppiMerceologiciRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetGruppiMerceologiciRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetIndirizziDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetIndirizziRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetIndirizziRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetInventariDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetInventariRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetInventariRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetListiniAgentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetListiniAgentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetListiniAgentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetListiniArticoliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetListiniArticoliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetListiniArticoliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetListiniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetListiniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetListiniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetMagazziniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetMagazziniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetMagazziniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetMarcheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetMarcheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetMarcheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetMastriniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetMastriniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetMastriniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetModalitàPagamentoDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetModalitàPagamentoRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetModalitàPagamentoRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetModelliContabiliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliCOntabiliDettagliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliCOntabiliDettagliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliCOntabiliDettagliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetModelliContabiliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliContabiliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetModelliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliF24DataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliF24Row |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliF24RowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetModelliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetModelliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetMovimentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetMovimentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetMovimentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetNazioniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetNazioniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetNazioniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetPagamentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetPagamentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetPagamentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetPartiteDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetPartiteRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetPartiteRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetPreferenzeDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetPreferenzeRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetPreferenzeRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetPrestazioniDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetPrestazioniRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetPrestazioniRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetPrimaNotaDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetPrimaNotaRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetPrimaNotaRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetProduttoriDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetProduttoriRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetProduttoriRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRegistrazioniContabiliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistrazioniContabiliDettagliDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistrazioniContabiliDettagliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistrazioniContabiliDettagliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRegistrazioniContabiliRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistrazioniContabiliRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRegistriIVA_ElaborazioneDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistriIVA_ElaborazioneRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistriIVA_ElaborazioneRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRegistriIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistriIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRegistriIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRepartiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRepartiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRepartiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRiepilogoRegistroIVADataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRiepilogoRegistroIVARow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRiepilogoRegistroIVARowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRigheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRigheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRigheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetRigheStatisticheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetRigheStatisticheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetRigheStatisticheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetScadenzeDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetScadenzeRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetScadenzeRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetSchedeClientiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetSchedeClientiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetSchedeClientiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetSchedeFornitoriDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetSchedeFornitoriRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetSchedeFornitoriRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetSpeseDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetSpeseDocumentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetSpeseDocumentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetSpeseDocumentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetSpeseRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetSpeseRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetStampeDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetStampeRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetStampeRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetStatisticheDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetStatisticheRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetStatisticheRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetTaglieDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetTaglieRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetTaglieRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetTipiDocumentoDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetTipiDocumentoRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetTipiDocumentoRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetTributiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetTributiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetTributiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetValuteDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetValuteRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetValuteRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
companyDataSetVisteDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
companyDataSetVisteRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
companyDataSetVisteRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
configDataSet |
Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data.
| |
configDataSetAziendeDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
configDataSetAziendeRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
configDataSetAziendeRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
configDataSetFormsDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
configDataSetFormsRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
configDataSetFormsRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
configDataSetUtentiDataTable |
Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
| |
configDataSetUtentiRow |
Represents strongly named DataRow class.
| |
configDataSetUtentiRowChangeEvent |
Row event argument class
| |
DataProvider |
Gestione dei dati di Amica.
| |
DataProviderActiveCompanyIdException |
L'eccezione generata quando viene fornito un valore non valido per la proprietà ActiveCompanyId.
| |
DataProviderActiveCompanyNotSetException |
L'eccezione generata quando viene richiesta una operazione sull'azienda attiva (ActiveCompanyId) e quest'ultima non è impostata.
| |
DataProviderADataView |
DataView estesa usata dal DataProvider per fornire i dati provenienti dai database Amica.
| |
DataProviderCannotCompleteExistMethodException |
L'eccezione generata quando non è stato possibile eseguire il metodo Exist.
| |
DataProviderCompanyEventArgs |
Contiene dati evento relativi alla gestione delle Aziende.
| |
DataProviderDatabasePathException |
L'eccezione generata quando viene fornito un path non esistente alla proprietà DatabasePath.
| |
DataProviderDataKeyException |
L'eccezione generata quando viene passato a un metodo un argomento DataKey non corretto.
| |
DataProviderDataLoadException |
L'eccezione generata durante il caricamento dei dati dal Database.
| |
DataProviderDataUpdateException |
L'eccezione generata quando si verifica un errore durante l'aggiornamento del Database.
| |
DataProviderDeleteCompanyDirectoryFailedException |
L'eccezione generata quando non è stato possibile cancellare la cartella dati di un'azienda da rimuovere.
| |
DataProviderDeleteCompanyNotFoundException |
L'eccezione generata quando non esiste il record dell'azienda da rimuovere nella tabella Aziende del Database Config.
| |
DataProviderExecuteScalarMethodException |
L'eccezione generata quando non è stato possibile eseguire il metodo Exist.
| |
DataProviderMaintenanceProgressEventArgs |
Contiene dati evento relativi al progresso del processo di manutenzione dei dati
| |
DataProviderNotAConfigTableException |
L'eccezione generata quando viene chiesto di aggiornare il Database Config e la DataTable indicata non è tra quelle disponibili.
| |
DataProviderTableEventArgs |
Contiene dati evento relativi alla gestione delle DataTables.
| |
DataProviderUpdateConflictEventArgs |
Contiene dati evento relativi alla soluzione di un conflitto di aggiornamento.
| |
Logging |
Enumeration | Description | |
DataProviderDatabaseConnectionType | ||
DataProviderDataKeys |
Enumerazione delle tabelle dati gestite dal Data Provider.
| |
DataProviderDuplicateId |